Welcome to the Stoke Sentinel Evening Edition on Google Play - the only way to catch up on what's been happening in Stoke during the day.
Delivered direct to your phone or tablet every weekday at 5pm, Stoke Sentinel Evening Edition features the latest news, sport, opinion and entertainment news from all over Stoke.
Whether you're on the commute home, out and about or settling down after the school run, the Stoke Sentinel Evening Edition is a handpicked, bite-sized selection of the most popular, shareable fun stories you've told us you want to read.
Enjoy your evening even more with the Stoke Sentinel Evening Edition !
- 清晰的部分和從故事到故事的簡單導航
- 與您的朋友和追隨者分享故事
- 快速下載然後離線閱讀 - 沒有信號問題,沒有流數據費用,沒有巨大的文件大小!
- 全天打破新聞警報
- 為了下載內容,需要網絡連接。之後,無論您是否有信號,您都可以脫機下載的晚上版本
我們的最終Pixel Tech&Magic領域初學者指南 - 學習在哪里花費資源,快速進步等等!
終極的Azure閂鎖樣式層列表 - 了解遊戲中最佳樣式以及為什麼要使用它們!
Pixel Tech&Magic Tier列表的終極領域 - ROP中的所有英雄從最佳到最糟糕,包括遊戲技巧!
在我們的網站上,您可以輕鬆下載最新版本的Stoke Sentinel Evening Edition!無需註冊和發送簡訊!